Sunday, December 13, 2009

Planet Houston Has a New Mayor

Planet Houston wakes up this morning to a new mayor, Annise Parker! Yay!! She should do a terrific job.

She takes over a city that is in pretty darn good shape thanks to a wonderful job done by outgoing mayor Bill White. Annise is no strange to Houston City Government having served 6 years on the City Council and 6 years as the City Comptroller.

She makes history as the first openly gay mayor of a major US city. Thankfully her orientation seemed not to matter to the citizen's of Planet Houston although her opponent did try to make it one as a last ditch effort to revive his campaign. In the end though, the voters looked at the candidates and based their vote on how they would best serve the city.

Yay Annise, Yay Houston Voters, Yay Houston!!!!!!!

Now it is on to the next battle....can Mayor White slay the evil dragon, Rick Perry and put Texas back on the right track? I sooooo hope so.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Two & Half Weeks until Christmas

I cannot believe Christmas is almost here! This is my absolute favorite time of year. I love all the decorating, the planning, the shopping (when I have $$$$), the baking....I just love the time of year. I know is sounds corny but people really are just a little nicer for a short time.

But, I am running so far behind this year. My kids, especially my oldest son, are not happy that I have not got everything up. It WILL get done this weekend. If I have to stay up 24 hours a day, my winter wonderland will be lit up this weekend!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's been a While

Real life doesn't leave me much time to write down what is on my mind. But reading another blog about my beloved Stargate has inspired me to give it another shot.

I can't guarantee I will be able to write on a daily basis but I am going to TRY.

For now, I am off to clean house and decorate for Christmas.....there won't be another house in Planet Houston with more Snowmen or Angels!