Saturday, March 17, 2007

Richard Dean Anderson & Stargate SG-1

For the better part of the last 10 years my favorite television show has been Stargate SG-1. More than any other show, I have enjoyed the adventures of Jack O'Neill and company. Last fall after this fantastic show reached the milestone of becoming the longest continuous SciFi show in US television history, the SciFi Channel & NBC cancelled my beloved show. Stargate fans around the world were shocked. Yes, the show had lost audience with the departure of lead Richard Dean Anderson but there was still life left in her. One has only to check the internet and find out just how popular this show really is. There are thousands of sites devoted to the show. Ebay has 100's of pages devoted to items for the show. Like Star Trek, Stargate has a worldwide fanbase and quite possibly is more popular around the world than it is in the US.

With the cancellation, MGM (the owner of the show) announced 2 straight to DVD movies would be made starting in April, 2007. The first movie will bring an end to the current storyline regarding the ORI and (and here's the best part) the second movie will star Richard Dean Anderson. I can't tell you how excited I am to learn that Jack O'Neill will be back protecting the planet along with Samantha Carter, Teal'c & Daniel Jackson! All seems right with the world today!!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's All About The Kids

When you are a Mom, you reach a point in your life when you realize that your life is All About The Kids. Every decision you make, everything you do, everything revolves around the kids. I am not just talking about babies, I talking about a tween & a 9 yr old. I can't remember the last time I did something fun just for me. Haven't seen a movie in years that didn't have Disney or Harry Potter slapped on the side of it. Haven't been to a restaurant that didn't have a kids menu that didn't include a cool toy since oh....1994! It's All About the Kids. Don't believe me, take a look at my handheld calendar. It's full but it's not full of my appointments. No, it's full of flute lesson, trombone lessons, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, baseball practice, gymnastic practices. Gawd, I need a life.
