Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jury Duty

This past week I had the opportunity to do my civic responsibility.....Jury Duty.
Although I have been called for Jury Duty many times in the past, this was my first in the Federal Court System and my first where I was actually chosen.

It was a very rewarding experience. The case was extremely interesting, the Judge, David Hittner, was exceptional and I met some fascinating fellow jurors.

I won't go into too much detail as, unfortunately, we failed to reach a unanimous verdict. As is usually the case when you put 12 persons in a room, you will come out with varying opinions of what the evidence means.

The most important thing I learned this week, is how important our Justice system is and that it works.

This was truly a very rewarding experience and I am very glad I had the opportunity to serve.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's Almost Here -- Girl Scout Cookie Time is Coming!

It's the crazy time of the year coming up!

No, I am not talking about the Christmas Holiday Season, I am talking about Girl Scout Cookie Season.

If you have never been involved in Girl Scouts you probably think I am crazy comparing selling GS Cookies to the Christmas Holidays but if you we ever a Girl Scout, a Girl Scout leader or a parent of a Girl Scout you know what I am talking about.

For the next 3 months, our lives will be consumed with selling Cookies. First you hit up EVERYONE you know and some you don't know to preorder those little morsels of goodness.

For 2 weeks you sell sell sell....followed by a few weeks of waiting waiting waiting for those little boxes of joy to come in. Then it's deliver, deliver, deliver! Get those cookies out to those who ordered.

THEN it's time to really get going.................Girl Scout Cookie Booths!!!!

Yes, everytime you go to your neighborhood grocery store, Walmart, Home Depot, Blockbuster or just about anyplace that is high traffic, Girl from kindergarten thru High School will be standing outside the door hoping that you have not bought so many cookies from your neighbor that you won't be able to resist just one more box of these delicious morsels.

Who can resist those cute little Brownies! But don't forget those older Girl Scouts too. They work just as hard and most times harder to sell those cookies.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year & Resolutions

Every year I go back and forth about whether to make resolutions. This year I am am going to give it a shot...AGAIN!

So here goes:

1. I want to remember people with Birthday Cards. I keep up with so many people's birthdate and I used to be really good about sending cards. This year I am going to get back in practice.

2. I am going to keep my personal checkbook balanced. I know, most people do this and I have Girl Scout accounts that I ALWAYS have balanced but my personal account, I always forget to write down those debit transactions! NO MORE!

3. We are going to have a Family Game Night....every week.

4. We are going to get healthy at home. We are going to eat healthy, exercise more and lead a healthy lifestyle.

5. I am going to get back on my Vitamin regiment. I had surgery 4 years ago and as such I am supposed to take many many vitamin's daily. I was good the first couple of years but have gotten out of the habit. That ends today.

So that it. I don't think they will be hard to keep. I can do it. I will do it!