Friday, July 2, 2010

Rain Rain & More Rain

I have lived on the Gulf Coast all my life. I have lived thru Tropical Storms that dumped 3 feet of rain in 24 hours and Hurricanes that knocked out the power to a city of 4, 000,000 for weeks so I really should be used to rain rain and more rain....but I don't think you ever get used to it!

Could someone please tell me why a hurricane that didn't even come ashore in this country much less in the Houston area, is responsible for the rain we have been experiencing since Wednesday? Hurricane Ike didn't dump rain on us for 3 days and it was a direct hit!!!!

This city is a maze of bayous that are meant to prevent flood but somehow it never works. Right now most of the city is underwater...not a little water but a good foot or more. The people of this city don't do good with that much water.............the incredibly stupid people that think they can drive thru 2 feet of water don't do good with that much water! I don't do good with that much water!

I am TIRED of the rain. My kids are tired of rain, my husband is tired of rain, even Coby the Wonder Beagle is tired............he can't chase the squirrels, he can't even go out in his yard!

I NEED the Sun!

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